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The Turner Center for the Arts was established, survives and thrives through the efforts of volunteers. We welcome people who love the arts and want to work to preserve and promote all aspects of this critical element in our lives.

Ways to Help …

Join the Center for the Arts Guild

The Guild’s purpose is to promote interest in and render service to the development of the Turner Center. Annual dues are an extremely reasonable $25 and enrollment is easy – just call 247-2787 or send an email to Janice Baker at to express your interest.

Guild members provide appetizers for and help serve at the Center’s Opening Gallery Receptions (approximately every six weeks). The Guild is overseen by an Executive Board; fundraising events are held periodically to help raise money for the Guild’s monetary support of the art center.

Become an Ambassador

Requires only a friendly smile, a gracious “Welcome to the Turner Center” and an ability to answer a phone (with a smile in your voice, of course). Ambassadors designate their own hours each month (we don’t want anyone to burn out) usually for four-hour segments, and receive training from Linda Grondahl, volunteer coordinator on the Center for the Arts Guild Executive. Whether you want to work a few or QUITE A FEW hours each month, we’ll welcome you. (Saturday ambassadors are particularly needed.)

Think you’re too young? Check out the Youth Art Board!

Area high school students make up the Center’s Youth Art Board. If you have an interest in the arts, please let your school’s art department instructor know, as nominations come from that sector. The purpose of the Youth Board is to acquaint young people with the Turner Center and its programs, foster a love for the arts and encourage volunteerism in this area both now and later in their lives. Youth Art Board members help out at Presenter Series shows and other events.

Exercise your artistic talents

The Center needs creative people to help decorate for events; provide & fix floral arrangements; find grant opportunities; receive and check out art during our annual Spring Into Art event, support our receptions, concerts and other events; teach classes and find other ways to celebrate and promote the arts in our community.

Let us know the areas of your interest, and we’ll try to find a spot for you!!!