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Class and Workshop Proposal

This is a form for potential instructors to fill out to express interest in teaching a class or workshop.

General Information

Please review all current classes and workshops at before filling out this form to ensure that your proposal will not be for a program we already offer. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact

Personal Information

This is where you will share your contact information and any public art sites you have. The Turner Center seeks to maintain a diverse team of instructors and and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information.
Mailing Address(Required)
If you have a public website featuring your art, please share it! We highlight instructors on our website, and this will help us show off your amazing work. If you have multiple websites, please start a new line for each one. If you have none, you may list "none" or "n/a."
If you have public social media featuring your art, please share it! We highlight instructors on our website, and this will help us show off your amazing work. If you have multiple platforms, please start a new line for each one. If you have none, you may list "none" or "n/a."
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 512 MB.

    Proposed Class and/or Workshop Details:

    This is where you will provide details on the regular class or special workshop that you want to offer the community. You may list details for more than one suggestion at a time.
    Proposed Subject(s)
    i.e., age range
    Please write at least 4 sentences per class or workshop you are proposing about the class and style you want to teach.

    Fees and Pay:

    On average, instructors at the Turner Center for the Arts are paid on a per-student basis. For each student, the instructor keeps 70% and the Turner Center keeps 30% of the class/workshop fee.


    Please list any required supplies, as well as whether you recommend they be purchased by the student or provided by the Turner Center. Please also include a cost estimate with each item.

    Class Cancellation Policy

    During emergency conditions: The Turner Center is responsible for notifying the instructor as soon as possible if the need to cancel a class/program arises from circumstances including, but not limited to, a weather crisis, facility issues, or safety crisis. The Turner Center will give at least 24 hours’ notice of emergency conditions, if possible (e.g., a hurricane). The instructor is responsible for notifying the Turner Center as soon as possible if unable to teach a class for the same emergency reasons or due to illness. During emergency conditions/cancellations, student registrations will be transferred or refunded as needed, which will affect payment received as a percentage of class fees due to the class fees being transferred to different class days or refunded. During normal conditions: The Turner Center is responsible for notifying the instructor of whether a class has enough students to meet by the agreed upon registration deadline. The Turner Center is also responsible for notifying the instructor at least fourteen days in advance if the need to cancel a class/program arises due to an observed holiday or other known circumstances that would prevent a class/program from meeting as scheduled. The instructor is responsible for notifying the instructor at least fourteen days in advance if s/he cannot teach a specific class due to being out of town or other non-emergency reasons and is ultimately responsible for the class if a high-quality substitute instructor cannot be found and cancelling the class would have a significant negative impact on a recurring program. If the instructor repeatedly fails to give proper advance notice of inability to teach a scheduled class or fails to be present to teach a scheduled class, this agreement may be terminated by the Turner Center.
    Please check the box to indicate that you have read and agree to the cancellation policy.(Required)

    Turner Center Responsibilities

    The Turner Center will provide studio space, marketing for the class/program, manage registration, and maintain a positive relationship with all instructors and students. The Turner Center is responsible for communicating with students to encourage repeat signups and obtaining class feedback. The Turner Center will pay the instructor according to the above schedule. The Turner Center will sign the instructor up for the weekly digital newsletter “Art Talks” using the email address provided above, unless the instructor is already signed up. This will allow the instructor to receive emails on upcoming classes and events, including their own.
    Please check the box to indicate that you have read and agree to the Turner Center's responsibilities.(Required)

    Instructor Responsibilities:

    The instructor will be prepared to teach class in a professional manner, which includes arriving before class to ensure proper setup, staying until each attendee has left, and remaining afterwards to clean-up and restore the classroom to the condition in which it was found as a part of their compensation. Clothing and accessories should be appropriate for the classroom and the age range of students being taught. The instructor is required to submit project examples/images as applicable no later than 4 weeks prior to each class, to maximize the amount of time the class can be shared with the public. The instructor may, and is encouraged to, distribute information about the class(es) being taught, so long as it is done in a respectful manner in regard to this partnership with the Turner Center and holds to the Center’s standards. The instructor must keep a record of attendees. The instructor recognizes that the Turner Center is the main point of contact with all students, and that only the Art Education Administrator can approve registration transfers, cancellations, or other similar scenarios according to current board policy. The instructor will be required to check their given email address regularly, as the Turner Center sends art education team updates by email. The instructor consents to a background check and will provide a professional headshot (or allow the Turner Center to take one) and a short biography with which the Turner Center will feature the instructor on its website and may use on various other platforms when promoting the program. Any website or social media information provided by the instructor above can be linked to the instructor’s profile on the Turner Center’s website, if desired.
    Please check the box to indicate that you have read and agree to the instructor's responsibilities.(Required)