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Event Series Yoga


Turner Center for the Arts 527 N. Patterson Street, Valdosta, GA, United States

Reach for the stars! Yoga is has been known to strengthen the body, improve posture, increase flexibility, and create a sense of calm through deep breathing exercises. With regular yoga,...

Event Series Oil Painting

Oil Painting

Turner Center for the Arts 527 N. Patterson Street, Valdosta, GA, United States

Express yourself in living color! This year-round class allows students to explore the processes of oil painting and to perfect their skills in this traditional art medium. Instructor provides intensive...

Valentine’s Dinner & Concert

Turner Center for the Arts 527 N. Patterson Street, Valdosta, GA, United States

Celebrate someone you love with a night of dinner, music, dancing and fun! Entertainment is provided by Bo Griner & the Wrong Turn Band, featuring Heather Frederick - if you...

Event Series Exploring Computer ART

Exploring Computer ART

Turner Center for the Arts 527 N. Patterson Street, Valdosta, GA, United States

Just imagine what you can do! Computers in ART meets every month and allows youth ages 10-18 to explore digital software programs for the creation of art. Students are given...