I have always like trying my hand at different arts and crafts, mostly starting with some flower arrangements in high school for decorations for Christmas, to making doll clothes for nieces and daughters as they were growing up, taking a quilting class that never seems to get completed.
I have been the bookkeeper- secretary for her husband’s business interests for the last 40 or so years and have been lucky enough to enjoy traveling to some of the major art cities of the world while helping with those business interests. Seeing the works of art in London, Paris, Rome, and Florence and in several major cities in the USA has always made me want to be able to create something of my own.
In 2012, I took a course at the local college when the Life in Retirement Program offered a class in watercolor. Never having taken any actual art classes, this was an opportunity not to be missed. It became apparent rather quickly that drawing classes were needed to progress in the watercolors classes, and so that too was a course that was taken on – only to see that even more was needed. 6 weeks is just not long enough to learn to draw. I began a drawing class with Anna Waddell and later took on my first oil painting class and, at the ripe age of 65, was introduced to my favorite of all medium – oil painting. To my surprise it appeared to my teacher, my other students, my family and even me, that I might have a little talent. (My mother nicknamed me “Grandma Moses” due to my starting so late in life.)
Still working and having been injured in a car accident, and an accident at home the art classes were not progressing as quickly as I would have liked, but as quickly as my schedule would allow. I learned about the classes being offered at Turner Center for the Arts and started taking some classes there under Faye Hyatt, but again my work schedule, and home schedule would only allow me to take classes for a short period of time.
In April of 2016 I finally was able to get into the oil painting class at Turner Center for the Arts with Dean Little, and have been taking classes with him for the last couple of years. I have also taken some of the workshops from visiting artist and another drawing class with Christy Hughes this past year, even getting my husband to take the class with me.
Hoping I am continuing to progress on this journey of ART, and someday actually have earned the title of ARTIST.